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Nowadays, we receive more and more newsletters that are of no interest to us. We strive to inform you only about new properties that will interest you. If such a property is not added to our system, you will not receive a message from us!

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You can specify in detail, according to parameters, what kind of property you are looking for and exactly where, on the basis of which the system finds a match in the case of newly uploaded properties, then we will send you that property in an e-mail message, so you will be informed immediately if a property suitable for you is added to the into our system.

TR Home Alanya
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Open data protection
dr. Török Katalin
dr. Török Katalin

English contact
: +36-30/436-8896
: info@trhome.hu

Timián Tassi
Timián Tassi

English contact
: +36-70/526-3755
: info@trhome.hu